Hello fellow pack collectors and thanks for your help with the last group of packs. I've posted the results from the 6th group on the scarcity pages.
Here's also a special welcome to Philly Show attendees also!
Here's the next group or packs for your consideration.
We are trying to organize individual card packs into groups based on availability - ranging from extremely rare to common.
You can seen how far we've gotten using the drop down menus under Scarcity on the top menus.
Express your opinions! Argue with each other! Disagree with our previous picks.
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I have a Real Hip Stickers with the free camera ad and 3 different packs of Put On stickers with Whale's tooth Charm, Magic Magnet set and Gold Plated Ring ads. I've only ever seen one Real Hip Pack - the one I bought! Dr Tooth (eBay seller and actually really a dentist!) had a bunch of Put on sticker packs for sale a while back - there is one pack listed there right now by him.
Mike, are both those variations in your collection?
Real Hip stickers has been moved to Scarce
Son of Spook scarce
Put on Stickers limited
Bugs Bunny uncommon
Mad Ad Foldees uncommon
Monkees limited
Im not sure I realized there are two wrapper variations for Put on Stickers/Real Hip Stickers. I knew I owned one of them, but wasn’t sure which one and had to check. After some deep soul searching, I think the argument could be made to move Real Hip Stickers up one class. It seems to be much more difficult to find than the Put on Stickers pack variation.