Hello fellow pack collectors and thanks for your help with the last group of packs. The 22nd group of packs has already been posted.
Here's the next group of packs for your consideration.
We are trying to organize individual card packs into groups based on availability - ranging from extremely rare to common.
You can seen how far we've gotten using the drop down menus under Scarcity on the top menus.
Express your opinions! Argue with each other! Disagree with our previous picks.
Post your thoughts below.
Send questions or suggestions to:

I am going to side with Adam on most of these choices. My only disclaimer might be to move fighting marines up one class.
Also looking things over, we might have the kustom cars pack by George Barras one class to high.
Those are my thoughts. Now everyone go wash your hands.
I think that Maya, Casper and Civil War are at the same level....either scarce or rare. We'll let others weigh in...
I would guess that Casper and Civil War are Rare, Fighting Marines and Maya are Limited, and Green Hornet Stickers is Uncommon.