Hello fellow pack collectors and thanks for your help with the last group of packs. The 13th group of packs has already been posted.
Here's the next group of packs for your consideration.
We are trying to organize individual card packs into groups based on availability - ranging from extremely rare to common.
You can seen how far we've gotten using the drop down menus under Scarcity on the top menus.
Express your opinions! Argue with each other! Disagree with our previous picks.
Post your thoughts below.
Send questions or suggestions to:
PS We are still deciding what to do about the previous assigned
1966 BATMAN and GREEN HORNET packs!! Also what does everybody think about the BARNABUS pack (currently listed as limited)?

I just heard back from Bob Tutalo regarding the Look N' See pack question:
"As for Look N' See i'm thinking about 4 have came up . The latter total includes the 2 you mentioned and then there were 2 that a friend of mine mentioned he had also not related to those 2. As for Pirate Bold packs they were pretty nonexistent until Walt turned up a box that we ended up partners on and then another box turned up about a year later in one of the big Auction houses so that would be 48 or so packs which would certainly qualify it as scarce at least."
I I agree
I agree with Jon. I think I dropped the ball on that one. I would probably even say rare.
I'm rethinking the Pirates Bold as being Scarce..not too many out there and very popular non-sport pack)
The person who had the two Look N' See packs said the two packs were passed down in the family from a relative who is now deceased. This person had no additional knowledge or information about those two Look N' See packs, but confirmed that he doesn't have any others. While it is always possible that there will be a new "find," up to this point these are the only two known packs.
I heard back from one of them:
Wax Packs were my first collection starting in 1983 and I am continuing the quest…
I collect all the variations (different back ads, different images etc)..I have around 1500 wax packs..
The most from my memory so far is DAKTARI with 7 different backs..
The two Look N See packs are the first two I have seen since 1983..I Know he sold the first one for $1650 and started the second one at around 5K…I was going to jump in at around the $1650 mark as he go lower but it was sold at around 2K…The problem is HISTORY as when you have two near mint Look N See packs, the suspicion is that some found either a full box or near full box..
I have gotten caught before in purchasing the first pack only to find that eventually twenty-four packs are sold and they are now worth less then half of the original buying price..
This happened with the 1950s Tarzan 3D pack…Once a $700 pack.. A few boxes were found and now it is less than a $50 pack..Another example is the Horrors of War packs that came to market this year (11 of them)..
The first got around 10K…Now the fifth one (or so) was just sold in the 3-4K range..
I just sent an email to them. Hopefully they'll respond!
Stay tuned!
If you go to the show, please ask him and let us know.
Nice pickup! I wonder if those are the only two? A dealer at the Philly Show is supposed to have a pretty incredible collection with almost every wrapper variation. I'd bet he has one...
Yes, it was the same pack relisted multiple times in "dutch auction" format. I eventually bought it. The only other known pack is in the #2 Non-sport auction collection. Total pop: 2. I can find no record of any other public sales/auctions for the Look N' See pack.
In June through September 2019, there were three auctions with a Look N' See pack graded PSA 8 (? the same pack) on Ebay, Prices ranged from $1650 to $4000 and I'm not sure if it sold or not.
I agree with Wax Pack Dude's assessment on four of the five packs. A Three Stooges partial box of 13 packs was auctioned off last year, but an extremely popular set (with at least one pack opened recently)....so I'd say rare.
Astronauts are scarce.
Pirates Bold are uncommon.
Beverly Hillbillies had a nearly full box turn up at auction two years ago but are rare.
Look N' See are Ultra-rare. Only two ever graded by PSA and I've never seen one in a GAI holder. They don't turn up at shows. If you have any Look N' See packs, I'd be interested in buying them!
Ok i will go first.
Look n see scarce
beverly hillbillies rare
stooges rare
astronauts scarce
pirates bold uncommon
see you boys next week...
Interestingly, Insult Postcards packs are all over eBay! We recently dealt with that one.
GOOD LORD. I would have to sell a car to afford that grouping. I will let others go first.